Ah what a day it has been! Today I jumped back into the winter running mode just for old times sake. I decided to go to the gym today after missing my morning meeting with the lovely GP Ladies. I stood in front of sports center, ramped the dreadmill up to 8min/mile and just jogged for 40 mins. It actually got pretty toasty in that gym and a got a good sweat in! Plus it was nice not looking at my watch and just knowing i was keeping a steady pace while catching up on the days sports news stories. I then decided it was not enough to just run. I had a bit too much juice left in me. I did a solid 15 minute ab workout along with 30 minutes of weight lifting.
I really find that an occasional gym workout is good for the body. I know that I feel much stronger and able to keep my form/pace better when my muscles are not getting as weak. I do not think it is something that needs to be overdone. I never want to become one of those awesome buff guys that kisses their arms and oggles their own bodies in the mirror after deadlifting a million pounds. I guess what I am saying is hooray for crosstraining!!
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